Remember to change it back before putting your mod folder back or creating a new mod merge.Mages are an especially powerful class choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition and the three optional specializations the Inquisitor can learn will allow them to deal massive damage or exercise complete control over a fight. If you ever need to remove your mods (even temporarily), you need to change the package.mft file in your patch folder in order to load your saves. Remember to change it back before putting your mod folder back or creating a new mod you have mods installed currently, or did you have them installed and have since removed them? If you have mods installed, don't change the package.mft file in your Patch folder, the mod folder number needs to be higher in order for your mods to work. Origin Games > Dragon Age Inquisition > Update > Patch_ModMangerMerge (or whatever you named your merged mod folder, that is the default name), and change the package.mft file in there instead. Instead of the location mentioned above, go to.

If you have mods installed, then somehow the version number in your mod folder is too low. Increase the version number inside by one, save, and try loading your save again. If you had mods installed and removed them (which can be necessary for certain parts of the game, such as DLC areas), you need to go to Program Files > Origin Games > Dragon Age Inquisition > Update > Patch and open the package.mft file within using notepad.